Take some notes. How does your chosen ad use… Mint Z ad.

Color?  This ad uses the color to enhance it by looking like a pencil, yet it has totems on it.

Line?  This ad is just a pencil carving, so it is shaped in a line like a pencil.

Shape?  It is shaped like a normal pencil, yet it has carvings on it, so it is unique.

Scale/Size?  It is zoomed in on the pencil so one can see the unique carvings

Space?  This ad has a lot of empty space so the audience can focus in on the chewed pencil.

Texture?  The pencil looks very rough edged, and amateur, but this will draw attention to the audience.

Value?  It has a very dull color on the outside, but it has neutral colors on the pencil.

Afterwards, look over the data you’ve collected about your image and write your answers to the following questions:

1)      Why did this ad’s creators make the choices they did?

Because it interest the audience to want to chew the mint z gum because of its ability to “increase chewing ability”.

2)      How do their choices help sell the product?

It peaks interest to the audience because it gives an exaggerated ability.

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