How to:  Network                                   Ryley Steele & Chris Gicla

Social Group

1.        Join Different Organizations

By joining different organizations, you will be able to meet new people and get involved.  Some people you will meet may be able to help you with further job opportunities down the course of your life.

2.       Introduce Yourself to Classmates

Interacting with everyone in your classes will be beneficial to networking advances because it will help you communicate about assignments and projects from those classes.

3.       Introduce Yourself to Professors

By introducing yourself to your collegiate professors and befriending them, you allow yourself to have the edge over your other classmates and be able to communicate if you struggle with said class material.

4.       Do Not Isolate Yourself

Being by yourself will not help you network at all.  Period.

5.       Be Presentable

Looking more professional will give you the advantage of socializing as well as being awesome.


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